“COLOSS 111. Let the worde of God dwell plenteoufly in you, in all wifedome, teaching and exhorting one an other in Pfalmes, Hymnes, fpiritual fonges, and fing vnto the Lord in your hartes. ~ HORVM – CHARI – TASI , At London, Printed by John Daye, dwelling ouer Alderfgate. Anno. 1580. Cum Priuilegio Regiae Maieftatis.”
Hello and welcome friend in Christ! Our site went live on December 16th 2022, and was last updated on February 6th 2024. Officially, Father God Abba Yahweh, told Marc William White, “instead of buying more bitcoin, buy these books instead, and help preserve history”, so that is what he did. This mostly text-based, database website is hosted @ Muleshed Website Hosting (we own it also), on our Google Cloud Platform Virtual Machine Instance Server in Council Bluffs Iowa USA, utilizing state of the art commercial grade “open source” & leased software: MySQL database ( an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS), Cloud Linux operating system (provides a modified kernel based on the OpenVZ kernel), Apache Web Server (free and open-source cross-platform web server software) , WHM / Cpanel (scalable web host manager / control panel software), Jet Backup (automated daily server & account backups), and Imunify 360 (comprehensive security suite for Linux web servers), to bring you forward facing Godly content with the world’s most popular open source “Content Management System”…WordPress!!
As you proceed, into this calm relaxing website experience, please note the following: you will not receive a cookie pop up warning or request, our menu system is very simple and easy to navigate, we don’t believe in or like annoying pop up screens, there are no flashing noisy self starting videos, you won’t find Google ads crammed into our pages, our pages don’t shift and move around, we don’t beg for your email address or ever sell your data, you can always text us at 270-847-2955 and our number is displayed on our website, we won’t bait and switch you or attempt to upsell you, all your data is secure with our current valid auto-renewing SSL certificates through Sectigo, when you create an account we will not spam your InBox with silly needless emails confirming everything as if you are 5 years old, and we will never deliberately complicate things to overbill our clients.
Our website is NOT designed for cell phone use at all, please visit with a desktop computer and a minimum of 28″ screen. It is imperative you use a larger screen. Discover the living word of God Father Abba Yahweh Jehovah, here at the Wilma Lucille White Holy Bible Collection, housed in Springfield TN!! Please consider joining us by creating an account, this way you can leave comments, attend our forum, and interact with other members! Thank you for visiting!! God bless you!!
The word of Father Abba Yahweh God Jehovah is ALIVE! Our mission is divine, to keep as many Holy Bibles (and certain specific historical literature) OUT of landfills as possible, to spread the mighty gospel of Jesus of love and forgiveness, and to present the word of God with specific focus on the Protestant Reformation starting with Martin Luther on the year of our Lord November 10th 1483, and Early American Imprints starting on the year of our Lord 1640 with the Bay Psalm Book (we currently don’t have one or a fragment). Thank you SO much for taking the time out of your busy day to visit us here at the Wilma Lucille White Holy Bible Collection, housed inside The Joann White Sabbath Day Museum & Library.
The Triple J Round Rock Ranch, since 1937, in beautiful South Logan County Kentucky!! Highway 431 / Nashville Road, between Russellville KY and Adairville KY, only 1/4 mile off the main road!! Please call or text 270-847-2955 to visit and learn about The Holy Bible!!! Thank you so much and please enjoy your day or evening ma’am or sir! Marc William White USN-RET, MCP, CEO, Curator, Director, Owner, & GG Grandson of The Minister Richard Erskin White.