Why I love The Holy Bible So Much!
01-04-2023 1:03 PM CST US Adairville KY
Good morning! Something struck me sort of weird and strange, it has happened before, as I was scanning the news today I read about a weather pattern out west, in mentioned “bomb cyclone”, and I stopped to consider this, “here they go again with the fear mongering” went through my mind. The media says stay “calm”, then they use “bomb” to describe the weather, makes no sense to me. All day long every day, as Americans we are typically assaulted with information in the twenty-first century, the great and complex “information age”, from the physical mail box to the electronic email InBox, from the radio in the vehicle to signs on the road, from YouTube videos to neighbors saying or doing something, all day every day, info info info!!
Our totally random KJV HB verse for the day from Daily Verses Dot Net, is, “And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.” Genesis 3:7, categories of “clothing” and “sin”. This is after Adam and Eve violated the one rule God Father Abba Yahweh gave them, to NOT eat of 1 thing, and no it wasn’t an “appl tree” as many people mistakenly think, it was “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil”. See, we have the ability, sort of built into us now, to know right from wrong, good from evil, lies from truth, and the Holy Bible says men love the darkness in their own hearts instead of the light of Jesus Christ, and He is the way, the truth, the light, and the life of this world.
I truly love Holy Bibles, so much, because I know it is the LIVING word of Father Abba Yahweh!!!! God’s love and promises NEVER change, we can rely on them as we can gravity, it ALWAYS works, IF we do what He wants, have a program of giving, work for His Mighty Kingdom, deeply love and deeply forgive, resist this fallen sinful world by not loving it or wanting to “feel good” ALL the time, and acting like the mature adults we are supposed to be. Unlike those suffering from the affliction of hate, lies, and abuse, the words of God give us strength, they never rip us or tear us down, they build us up, and are the correct and true roadmap to a happy, stable, solvent, joyful, successful life!! Have a very fine day, thank you for being here, enjoy the website and learning more about the word of God, here at The Wilma Lucille White Holy Bible Collection!
God bless you and keep you continually,
Marc William White USN-RET, MCP, CEO, Curator, Director, Cloud Technician