This page contains data about our website! All information is current as of 01-03-2023 @ 5:33 PM CST USA
GTMetrix Score = Grade “A”, Performance “99%”, Structure “90”, LCP (largest content in viewport) 815 milliseconds (1.2 or lower is best), TBT “0” (time blocked by scripts, 150 or lower is best), CLS “0.01” (content layout shift, 0.1 or less is better), Fully Loaded Time “1.1 seconds (50% or more of all web users will completely abandon a site and never return if it does not fully load in 3.5 seconds), Total Page Size 315KB or kilobytes (the average webpage is now 2.2MB or megabytes for desktops and 2MB for mobile devices), Total Page Requests “10” (According to Google sources as of March 2019, the median number of HTTP page requests to load a webpage on mobile or desktop was between 69 and 75 HTTP requests.)
Content Management System = WordPress version 6.1.1 “WordPress 6.1.1 would not have been possible without the contributions of more than 105 people. Their asynchronous coordination to deliver several enhancements and fixes into a stable release is a testament to the power and capability of the WordPress community.” “A content management system (CMS) is computer software used to manage the creation and modification of digital content (content management). A CMS is typically used for enterprise content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM). ECM typically supports multiple users in a collaborative environment[4] by integrating document management, digital asset management, and record retention. Alternatively, WCM is the collaborative authoring for websites and may include text and embed graphics, photos, video, audio, maps, and program code that display content and interact with the user. ECM typically includes a WCM function.”
WordPress Theme = McWhite version 1.0.0 by Team White custom created on 01-02-2023 by Dyego Fernandes De Sousa – B.A. Computer Science, MCT, MCP. “WordPress users may install and switch among many different themes. Themes allow users to change the look and functionality of a WordPress website without altering the core code or site content. Every WordPress website requires at least one theme to be present. Themes may be directly installed using the WordPress “Appearance” administration tool in the dashboard, or theme folders may be copied directly into the themes directory. WordPress themes are generally classified into two categories: free and premium. Many free themes are listed in the WordPress theme directory (also known as the repository), and premium themes are available for purchase from marketplaces and individual WordPress developers. WordPress users may also create and develop their own custom themes.”
Content Delivery Network / Caching Services / Caching Plugins = 0 , currently we do not utilize any caching plugins or a CDN in any way. “A content delivery network (CDN) is a network of distributed servers that deliver pages and other Web content to a user, based on the geographic locations of the user, the origin of the web page and the content delivery server. CDNs began in the late 1990s as a way to speed up the delivery of static content, such as HTML pages, images and videos. By replicating content on multiple servers around the world and delivering it to users based on their location, CDNs can significantly improve the speed and availability of a website or application. When a user requests a piece of content, the CDN will check to see if it has a copy of the content in its cache. If it does, the CDN will deliver the content to the user from the cache.”
Plugins = 1, Post Types Order – allows posts to be dragged and dropped to specific order, this allows us to create lists of the material in chronological order but it also reorders our Recent Posts in the sidebar, so Dyego will correct this and hopefully we can delete this one plugin. NOTE: after almost two decades of in depth experience we have learned by much trial and error, plugins can and often do slow a site down considerably, and much like medication, one side affect can lead to another.