The Collection

Spanning over half a millennium ~ 503 years of printed material, from the year of our Lord 1520 to 2023, The Wilma Lucille White Holy Bible Collection is a place where you and or your family can come, relax, explore, and enjoy learning about the word of Yahweh, His son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Our precious and rare Holy Bibles and books are cataloged, photographed, then stored inside our ultra secure 6 large safety deposit lock boxes we have been leasing for years, inside a giant walk in vault, only accessible by our administrators and team. Discover original printed Holy Bibles & religious material in the collection, and reprints / facsimiles. Emphasis & focus on the protestant reformation starting in 1517, as well as early American imprints starting in 1685. Please utilize a desktop computer when viewing with a 28″ screen minimum for best results.

To search the database, simply look for the “search button” and or use your web browsers “find”, “search”, or “find on page” features. We started with a simple list in November 2022, and have since expanded to the menu you see above. Each century is its own category, then after you enter the century you want to learn about, each item will have its own webpage complete with images, full description, possible translations, and more. Information presented in “chronological order” from the top, down the list. Thank You, God Bless You!